100 Things To Know About Behaviors
- algorithms
- antecedents
- auto-shaping
- awfulization
- backward conditioning
- beliefs
- bonds
- chains of movements
- classical conditioning
- conditioned response (CR)
- conditioned stimulus (CS)
- consequences
- context analysis
- contiguity
- continuous reinforcement
- declarative knowledge
- discrimination
- elicited
- emitted
- environment (open, closed)
- event marker
- experimental neurosis
- experts
- extinction
- extinction burst
- fading
- fatigue method
- fiction
- fixed interval
- fixed ratio
- flooding
- flow
- forward conditioning
- functional analysis
- general intelligence
- Grandma’s Law
- Guthrie (habit, act & movement)
- heuristics
- incompatible response
- insight
- interleafed practice
- irrational beliefs
- jackpot
- knowledge (explicit, implicit)
- knowledge (structure, content, control processes)
- law of effect
- laws of association (contiguity, similarity, contrast)
- learned helplessness
- maximum certainty
- maximum fluency
- mental practice
- mental representations
- minimum effort
- minimum time
- Morgan’s Cannon
- novices
- obligation
- one-shot learning
- operant
- operant conditioning (instrumental)
- perseverance
- practice: normal (blocked), interleafed (mixed))
- practice (massed, distributed, deliberate)
- Premack Principle
- productive failure
- punishment
- puzzle boxes
- random assignment
- randomized interleafed practice
- reflexologist
- rehearsal
- reinforcement
- reinstatement
- release word
- reminder
- repetition
- schema
- self-talk
- series interleafed practice
- shaping
- shuttle box
- sidetracking
- simultaneous conditioning
- skills
- stereotyping
- stimulus generalization
- subgoals
- substitution theory
- superstitious behavior
- talent
- target behavior
- target skill
- thinning
- threshold method
- tracking
- unconditioned response (UCR)
- unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
- variable interval
- variable ratio