Things To Know About Learning
- algorithms
- amnesia (retrograde, anterograde, source)
- anchor
- antecedent
- backward chaining
- backward conditioning
- blocked practice
- bottom-up processing
- chains of movements
- cognitive maps
- cognitive schema
- conditioned response
- conditioned stimulus
- conflict types (approach-approach, etc.)
- consequence
- consolidation
- context analysis
- contexts
- decay theory
- decision fatigue
- declarative memory
- deliberate practice
- discrimination
- distinctiveness
- distributed practice
- drive reduction
- drive, cue, response, consequence
- elaboration mnemonics
- emotional distinctiveness
- encoding specificity principle
- expanded rehearsal strategy
- extinction
- fading
- fatigue method (flooding)
- fiction
- forward chaining
- forward conditioning
- frustration
- frustration-aggression hypothesis
- functional analysis
- generalization
- habit
- heuristics
- hill climbing
- imitation
- incompatible response method
- intent
- interference theory
- interleafed practice
- latent inhibition
- local high
- loss aversion
- massed practice
- means-end analysis
- memory (availability & accessibility)
- memory systems: declarative (semantic, episodic), implicit & working)
- working memory (phonological loop, episodic buffer, visuo-spatial sketchpad)
- method of loci
- mirroring
- mnemonics (naïve & technical)
- modeling
- motor skills
- movement (continuous, discrete, mixed)
- movements
- negative punishment
- negative recognition
- negative reinforcement
- operant
- optimism
- overlearning
- perseverance
- phonological loop
- Pollyanna effect
- positive reinforcement
- primary distinctiveness
- proactive interference
- proprioceptive stimuli
- reduction mnemonics
- reinstatement
- retrieval errors
- retroactive interference
- root-cause analysis
- satisfaction
- schedules of reinforcement (FI, FR, VI, VR, continuous)
- schema
- secondary distinctiveness
- sidetracking method
- simultaneous conditioning
- sketch cognitive maps
- sparse encoding
- target behaviors
- thinning
- threshold method
- top-down processing
- unconditioned response
- unconditioned stimulus
- unresolved conflict
- vector-based cognitive map
- visualization
- von Restorff effect