These are the terms you need to understand and remember. These facts and concepts are the raw materials for your studying.
Here’s how to approach it
Start by identifying the “Don’t Knows.” These are the items you are sure you don’t know. We have a unique ability to know what we don’t know. Without searching, you know you don’t know the word shkuumptin (because I just made it up). But you didn’t have to search. You immediately knew it wasn’t in your memory systems.
Use this ability, called negative recognition, to speed up your studying. Scan through the list of terms and make note of the ones you don’t know anything about. Look them up and move them from Don’t Knows to Not Sures.
Once everything is either Know or Not Sure, you can organize the list into clusters, study the clusters and remember everything better.
All Terms
- 3 laws of association
- 4 quadrants (covert-learned, covert- unlearned, overt-learned, overt-unlearned)
- 5 paths to truth (wisdom, philosophy, science, dumb luck)
- ablation
- analytic reasoning (deductive)
- animal electricity
- Aristotle
- artificial electricity
- atoms
- Bacon, Francis: inductive reasoning
- behavior
- Berkeley
- birth of psychology
- blind study
- case studies
- clear, simple, eloquent
- clinical observation
- cognitive neuroscience
- common sense
- confounding variables
- Confucius
- constants
- control group
- covert-learned
- covert-unlearned
- crainioscopy
- critical thinking
- deduction
- Democritus
- dependent variable
- Descartes
- dialectic reasoning (logically consistent)
- double blind study
- dualism
- earth, air, fire, water, ether
- Emperor Yao
- empiricist
- experimental group
- experimental physiology
- experiments
- extirpation
- false intuition
- five virtues: kindness, decorum, wisdom, faithfulness and honesty
- Flourens
- four basic elements: earth, air, fire and water
- free will
- Gall, Franz
- Galvani
- habit
- harmony of the universe
- Helmholtz
- Hippocrates
- Hobbes
- human spirit
- humors
- I think therefore I am
- independent variable
- informed consent
- insight
- internally consistent propositions
- intuition
- Kinsey, Aldred
- Leyden jar
- logical arguments
- lyceum
- machine with a soul
- materialism
- matter
- measurable, testable propositions
- mentalism
- mirrors of the soul
- monism (physical)
- monism (spiritual)
- motion of atoms
- Mueller
- natural electricity
- naturalism
- naturalistic observation
- obedience, self-examination and simplicity
- observable events
- operationalizing your questions
- ophthalmoscope
- orderliness of thought
- overconfidence
- overt-learned
- overt-unlearned
- personal conduct
- philosophy (logic)
- phlegm, blood, yellow bile, black bile
- phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, melancholic
- phrenology
- physical diseases
- pineal gland
- placebos
- population
- practical living
- principle of proportion
- Pythagoras
- Pythagoreanism
- random assignment
- random sample
- religion (revelation)
- replication
- revelation
- sample
- sampling bias
- science (systematic observation)
- sensualism
- six arts: math, music, calligraphy, chariot handling, ritual, archery
- specific nerve energies
- speed of a nerve
- Spinoza
- spiritual diseases
- structuralism
- surveys
- syllogisms
- systematic observation
- testable hypotheses
- testable prediction
- traditionalist
- train of thought
- transmigration of the soul
- tri-dimensional theory of emotion
- underachiever’s patron saint
- variables
- vitalism
- volition
- wisdom (insight)
- wisdom literature
- Wundt, Wilhelm
Important Terms
- Aristotle
- ego defense mechanisms
- experimental physiology
- Flourens
- Galen
- Gall
- philosophy
- Pollyanna effect
- psychology
- Washburn, Margaret
- Wundt
- Zeigarnik effect