These are the terms you need to understand and remember. These facts and concepts are the raw materials for your studying.
Here’s how to approach it
Start by identifying the “Don’t Knows.” These are the items you are sure you don’t know. We have a unique ability to know what we don’t know. Without searching, you know you don’t know the word shkuumptin (because I just made it up). But you didn’t have to search. You immediately knew it wasn’t in your memory systems.
Use this ability, called negative recognition, to speed up your studying. Scan through the list of terms and make note of the ones you don’t know anything about. Look them up and move them from Don’t Knows to Not Sures.
Once everything is either Know or Not Sure, you can organize the list into clusters, study the clusters and remember everything better.
- accessible memories
- amygdala
- anterograde amnesia
- Atkinson & Shiffrin
- automatic processing
- available memories
- Baddeley
- basal ganglia
- cerebellum
- chunking
- deep processing
- déjà vu
- distributed practice
- Ebbinghaus
- echoic sensory store
- effortful processing
- emotional coding
- encoding
- encoding failure
- encoding specificity principle
- episodic memory
- explicit memories
- external mnemonics
- false memory
- flashbulb memories
- forgetting
- forgetting curve
- herpes encephalitis
- hierarchies
- hippocampus
- iconic sensory store
- implicit memories
- improving memory
- interference
- levels of processing
- long-term memory
- long-term potentiation
- match context and mood cues with when coded them
- meaningful
- memory
- memory retrieval
- misinformation effect
- mnemonics
- mood congruent
- motivated forgetting
- personally meaningful
- priming
- proactive interference
- recall
- recognition
- reconsolidation
- recovered memories
- recovered with hypnosis
- rehearse repeatedly
- relearning
- repression
- retrieval
- retrieval cues
- retrieval failure
- retroactive interference
- retrograde amnesia
- savings
- semantic memory
- sensory memories
- serial position effect
- shallow processing
- short-term memory
- sleep more
- source amnesia
- spaced practice
- split brain
- storage
- storage decay
- synaptic changes
- technical mnemonics
- test your knowledge
- testing effect
- tip of the tongue
- unreliable memories
- Wearing, Clive
- working memory