For a full discussion on the topic, check out Memory or Mnemonics.
Part 1: Chaining
Part 2: Spacing
Part 3: Silly Songs
Part 4: Method Of Loci
Part $: All About You
Photo Credit: Shutterstock & KT
by ktangen
by ktangen
Measurement is a pre-number crunching activity in statistics. No math is required! But to do research, you must know–at least in general–what you’re trying to prove. Let’s summarize it in five questions:
Before you conduct a study, use your theory to answer five questions: (1) what are you trying to prove, (2) what is it like in practice, (3) who is predicting whom, (4) who is being studied, and (5) what do the numbers mean? Theories are used to guide research; models are used to test theories. Because theories are composed of constructs, they are untested theoretical realities. But models are built for the purpose of being tested; they are composed of variables.
by ktangen
Double Approach-Avoidance
by ktangen
Tigers and house cats have eyes that seem to glow in the dark. They have no pigment between thei visual receptors, and a mirror-like layer (tapetum lucidum) that reflects light back into the eye. Albinos don’t have the mirror-like layer (so no glow) but they do lack pigment. The lack of pigment impacts light sensitivity, and decreases image clarity.
Tiger photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash
by ktangen
by ktangen
If you know nothing about psych
1: Five paths to truth
2: Confucius
3: Aristotle
4 Descartes
5: Birth of Psychology