Which of the following is a British empiricist:
- Descartes
- Hobbes
- Locke
- Binet
by ktangen
Which of the following is a British empiricist:
by ktangen
The birth of psychology was a long time coming. It was a long process because thinking precedes doing. Before we created a science of studying people, we thought about it.we thought about it for hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years. [Read more…] about Birth Of Psychology
by ktangen
by ktangen
Adler, Alfred (1870-1937)
Allport, Gordan (1897-1967)
Angell, James Rowland (1867-1949)
Bandura, Albert (1925 -1921).
Bechterev, Vladimire (1857-1927).
Beck, Aaron (1921-2021).
Binet, Alfred (1857-1911)
Bois-Reymond, Emil du (1818-1896)
Broca, Paul (1824-1880)
Calkins, Mary Whiton (1863-1930)
Carr, Harvey (1873-1954).
Cattell, James McKeen (1860-1944).
Cattell, Raymond (1905-1998)
Charcot, Jean-Marin (1825-1893)
Chomsky, Noam (1928-).
Darwin, Charles 1809-1882,
Descartes, Rene (1596-1660)
Dewey, John (1859-1952)
Dollard, John (1900-1980)
Ebbinghaus, Hermann (1850-1909)
Ellis Albert (1913-2007)
Fechner, Gustav (1801-1887)
Frankl, Viktor (1905-1997)
Freud, Anna (1895-1982).
Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)
Fromm, Erich (1900-1980).
Gall,Franz (1758-1828)
Galton, Francis (1822-1911)
Guthrie, Edwin (1886-1969).
Hall ,Marshall (1790-1857)
Hans, Clever (1895-1914)
Haraguchi, Tsuruko (1886-1915)
Helmholtz, Hermann (1821-1894)
Hering, Ewald (1834-1918)
Holt, Edwin B (1873-1946)
Hull, Clark (1884-1954)
Hunter, Walter S (1889-1953)
James, William (1842-1910)
Janet, Pierre Marie (1859-1947)
Jung, Carl Gustav (1875-1961)
Klein, Melanie (1882–1960)
Koffka, Kurt (1886-1941)
Kohler, Wolfgang (1887-1967)
Kulpe, Oswald (1862-1915)
Lashley, Karl (1890-1958)
Lewin, Kurt (1890-1947)
Mach, Ernst (1838-1916)
Marbe, Karl (1869-1953)
Marie, Pierre (1853–1940)
Marty, Anton (1847-1914)
Maslow, Abraham (1908-1970)
Matatarō, Matsumoto (1865–1943)
May, Rollo (1909-1994)
McDougall, William (1871–1938)
Mesmer, Franz (1734-1815
Miller, Neal (1909-2002)
Morgan, C. Lloyd (1852–1936)
Morita, Masatake (1874-1938)
Motora, Yūjirō (1858-1912)
Nishi, Amane (1829-1897)
Pascal, Constance (1877-1937)
Pavlov, Ivan (1848-1936)
Perls, Fritz (1893-1970)
Piaget, Jean (1896-1980)
Ribot, Théodule-Armand (1839-1916)
Rogers, Carl (1902-1987)
Rotter, Julian (1916-2014)
Sechenov, Ivan (1829-1905)
Skinner, BF (1904-1990)
Small, Willard S (1870=1943)
Stumpf, Carl (1848-1936)
Sullivan , Harry Stack (1892-1949)
Swedenborg, Emanuel (1688–1772)
Terman, Lewis (1877-1956)
Thorndike, Edward (1874-1949)
Titchner, Edward (1867-1927)
Tolman, Edward (1886-1959)
Tooth, Howard (1856-1925)
Tourette, Georges de la (1857-1904)
Wallas, Graham (1858–1932)
Watson, John (1878-1958)
Weber, Ernest (1795-1878)
Wertheimer, Max (1880-1943)
Wolpe, Joseph (1915-1997)
Woodworth, Robert (1869-1962)
Yerkes, Robert Mearns (1876-1956)
by ktangen
1596-1660 Descartes, Rene
1688-1772 Swedenborg, Emanuel
1734-1815 Mesmer, Franz
1758-1828 Gall, Franz
1790-1857 Hall, Marshall
1795-1878 Weber, Ernest
1801-1887 Fechner, Gustav
1809-1882 Darwin, Charles
1818-1896 Bois-Reymond, Emil
1821-1894 Helmholtz, Hermann
1822-1911 Galton, Francis
1824-1880 Broca, Paul
1825-1893 Charcot, Jean-Marin
1829-1897 Nishi, Amane
1829-1905 Sechenov, Ivan
1834-1918 Hering, Ewald
1838-1916 Mach, Ernst
1839-1916 Ribot, Théodule-Armand
1842-1910 James, William
1847-1914 Marty, Anton
1848-1936 Stumpf, Carl
1848-1936 Pavlov, Ivan
1852–1936 Morgan, C. Lloyd
1853–1940 Marie, Pierre
1856-1925 Tooth, Howard
1856-1939 Freud, Sigmund
1857-1904 Tourette, Georges de la
1857-1911 Binet, Alfred
1857-1927 Bechterev, Vladimire
1858-1912 Motora, Yūjirō
1858–1932 Wallas, Graham
1859-1947 Janet, Pierre Marie
1859-1952 Dewey, John
1860-1944 Cattell, James Mckeen
1862-1915 Kulpe, Oswald
1863-1930 Calkins, Mary Whiton
1865–1943 Matatarō, Matsumoto
1867-1949 Angell, James
1867-1927 Titchner, Edward
1869-1953 Marbe, Karl
1869-1962 Woodworth, Robert
1870-1937 Adler, Alfred
1870-1943 Small, Willard
1871–1938 McDougall, William
1873-1946 Holt, Edwin
1873-1954 Carr, Harvey
1874-1938 Morita, Masatake
1874-1949 Thorndike, Edward
1875-1961 Jung, Carl Gustav
1876-1956 Yerkes, Robert
1877-1937 Pascal, Constance
1877-1956 Terman, Lewis
1878-1958 Watson, John
1880-1943 Wertheimer, Max
1882-1960 Klein, Melanie
1884-1954 Hull, Clark
1886-1915 Haraguchi, Tsuruko
1886-1941 Koffka, Kurt
1886-1959 Tolman, Edward
1886-1969 Guthrie, Edwin
1887-1967 Kohler, Wolfgang
1889-1953 Hunter, Walter S
1890-1958 Lashley, Karl
1890-1947 Lewin, Kurt
1892-1949 Sullivan, Harry Stack
1893-1970 Perls, Fritz
1895-1914 Hans, Clever
1895-1982 Freud, Anna
1896-1980 Piaget, Jean
1897-1967 Allport, Gordan
1900-1980 Dollard, John
1900-1980 Fromm, Erich
1902-1987 Rogers, Carl
1904-1990 Skinner, BF
1905-1997 Frankl, Viktor
1905-1998 Cattell, Raymond
1908-1970 Maslow, Abraham
1909-1994 May, Rollo
1909-2002 Miller, Neal
1913-2007 Ellis, Albert
1915-1997 Wolpe, Joseph
1916-2014 Rotter, Julian
1921-202 Beck, Aaron
1925-1921 Bandura, Albert
1928- Chomsky, Naom
Photo by Morten Andreassen on Unsplash
by ktangen
Photo by laura adai on Unsplash