Top Ten Tips
Review Often
Deliberate Encoding
Write It Down
Photo Credit
by ktangen
Top Ten Tips
Review Often
Deliberate Encoding
Write It Down
Photo Credit
by ktangen
1. Instead of classical conditioning, Pavlov preferred:
2. Food before the bell would be:
3. Which ISI is optimal for conditioning:
4. For Pavlov, in classical conditioning, the dogs’ saliva was:
5. We use the terms of ___________ but the interpretations of ____________.
1. Instead of classical conditioning, Pavlov preferred:
2. Food before the bell would be:
3. Which ISI is optimal for conditioning:
4. For Pavlov, in classical conditioning, the dogs’ saliva was:
5. We use the terms of ___________ but the interpretations of ____________.
Pavlov was an expert on digestion. He won a Nobel Prize for his research on how animals, including human, use reflexes in the digestion process. When food is presented, our digestive juices begin to flow, preparing us to digest food.
This preparing process begins before the food is in our tummy. It starts before we swallow. It starts when we see food, smell it or even just think about it. These associations we have with food were the beginning of classical conditioning.
Here are 5 things we’ll cover:
by ktangen
by ktangen
2. Instead of looking at intent, Skinner looks at behavior. This is called a:
3. Giving a verbal insult is called:
4. A reward impacts:
5. Which eliminates behavior:
1. Skinner’s approach was:
2. Instead of looking at intent, Skinner looks at behavior. This is called a:
3. Giving a verbal insult is called:
4. A reward impacts:
5. Which eliminates behavior:
by ktangen
1. Behavioral Change focuses on behaviors that are:
2. What happens before a behavior (beliefs, experiences, etc.) are:
3. An unexpectedly large reward for extra effort is called a:
4. Grandma’s Law (if you eat your peas, you can have pie) is an example of:
5. Grandma’s saying “Well, alright” is an:
1. Behavioral Change focuses on behaviors that are:
2. What happens before a behavior (beliefs, experiences, etc.) are:
3. An unexpectedly large reward for extra effort is called a:
4. Grandma’s Law (if you eat your peas, you can have pie) is an example of:
5. Grandma’s saying “Well, alright” is an:
Presenting a concept, principle or rule is much easier than getting people to change their behaviors. People will listen and agree, but not put things into practice. Knowing what you should do is not the same as doing it. So let’s explore behavioral change.
Some things are easier to change than others. Gambling and risk taking are difficult to stop or even just lessen their frequency and intensity. Drug addiction is very difficult to change. Change is possible but not easily achieved.
My summary of psychology is that there are two great principles:
People have a tremendous capacity to change. And they usually don’t.
Here are 5 things we’ll cover:
by ktangen