Here are my notes on this topic:
Physical development & language development go together
1. Hallmarks
- 1 month
- burps, grunts, sneezes
- Exercise voal cords
- dialogue with caregiver
- 2 months
- Coo
- respond to melody of speech
- laugh out loud
- roll over
- 3 months
- consonant words
- buh bub buh buh
- Dah Dah Dah Dah
- Sleep through night
- Joint attention
- Follow each other’s gaze
- Adults label what see
- speeds up language development
- 6 months
- babbling
- prune sounds not in language
- sit up (supported)
- baby food
- phoeme pruning continued
- Japanese can discriminate r and l when babies
- by 1 ye ar, don’t
- discard if don’t need it
- Deaf infants fall behind in producing well-formed syllables
- 9 months
- crawl and say dadda
- maybe mamma
- babble with an accent
- finely cut table food
- Joint attention
- connecting words & th ings
- referent is entire object
- not just action
- 1 year
- influence behavior of others
- Use preverbal gestures
- some words
- infant games show conversational turn-taking
- Stand up and single words
- drink from c up
- 50% can walk
- Holophrases
- single word sentences
- naming = Mamma
- requesting = milk
- demanding = up!
- 18-24 months
- vocabulary spurt
- everything has a name
- overextensions = duck
- under-extensions = Kitty for family cat only
- 200 words
- walking
- 2 year olds
- telegraphic speech (2-3 words)
- omit nonessentials
- Daddy shoe
- More cookie
- over-regulation
- over applying reuls of grammar
- plurals
- past tens
- I holded the rabbit
- telegraphic speech (2-3 words)
- 3 year old
- 3 word sentences
- plural words
- 4 year olds
- understand size relationships
- count to four
- name four colors
- enjoy rhymes and word play
- 5 year old
- use pronouns & prepositions
- 6 years old (1st grade)
- understand 8000 words
- use 4000 words
- able to share toys, food, activities
- Comprehension precedes production
- Girls ahead in vocabulary
2. Language development
- Skinner vs Chomsky
- reinforced behavior or language module
- chance or universal grammar
- Speed of acquisition
- # of samples
- Comprehension precedes production
- listen before talk
3. Three studies: Harlow, Conrad & Mischel
Harlow, Harry
- 1932
- Maternal deprivation
- Raised in nursery (lab) setting
- Not with mothers
- Wire mother vs Cloth mother
- Culture of that time advocated
- Limited contact with children
- Don’t spoil children
- Nursing isn’t important
- Tried to study depression
- Making monkey’s depressed
- Isolation chambers
- Up to 24 months
- Kept going beyond need
- Unethical
Lorenz, Konrad
- 1935
- Goose eggs
- Half with mother
- Half with him
Mischel, Walter
- Marshmallow experiments
- 1960-70s
- Stanford
- Preschooler strategies to resist temptation
- 4 year olds
2 options
- Ring and eat 1
- Wait & get 2
- Wait longest if “cool” distraction
- Cover eyes
- Hide under desk
- Sing songs
- Imagine pretzels instead of marshmallows
- Focus on cotton ball look, not gooey taste
- Pretend it was a picture of marshmallows
- Can’t eat a picture
- 1/3 waited 15-20 minutes
- Girls better than boys
- Developmental skill
Re-evaluated as teenagers
- Higher SAT scores
- Higher social competence
- self-assuredness
- rated by parents as more mature
- able to cope with stress
- plan ahead
- use reason
As adults
- less likely to have drug problems
- Less divorces
- Less overweight
4. Daniel Kahneman
Thinking fast and slow
Kahneman’s System 1
- cognitive (cool)
- complex and slow
- frontal lobes & hippocampus
Kahneman’s Sytem 2
- emotional (hot)
- simple and fast
- amygdala
5. Jean Piaget
- continuous or discrete
- wave or step
- Stage theories
- Freud
- Erikson
- Kohlberg
- Piaget
- 1896-1980
- 3 mths older than Vygotssky
- Born in Neuchâte, Switzerland
- moved to France
- Helped Alfred Binet develop IQ test
- Interested in why
- children consistently gave wrong answers
- How children use experience to develop understanding of the world
- Sensorimotor stage
- birth to 2 years
- low competence in using images, language & symbols
- Peek-a-boo = believe disappear is not exist
- Preoperational stage
- 2-7 years old
- Egocentric thought
- view world solely from own perspective
- Magical thinking
- My thoughts, wishes & actions
- Cause things to happen
- I made mommy & daddy divorce
- I found the new house
- Assimilation
- put everything in one category
- file under “me”
- Conservation develop;s
- Learns conservation
- Quantity unrelated to appearance
- Concrete operations stage
- 7-12
- logical thought
- Accommodation
- break into smaller categories
- Formal operations stage
- 12-adulthood
- abstract though
- think like a scientist
- Principles
- discovery learning
- active learning
- kids think different
- different structures = schemes
- 3 A’s
- Adaptation
- Assimilation
- Accommodation
- Equilibrium vs dis-equilibrium
- 1896-1980
- number
- length
- substance
- volume
- area
- weight