- aim higher
- anxiety
- attention
- avoid
- backward chain
- bits
- chaining
- charting
- chess positions
- chunk
- cluster or infographic
- digit span
- distributed practice
- don’t forget
- encoding specificity principle
- expanded-retrieval strategy
- faces 71%
- facts, concepts and behaviors
- flash cards
- focus
- forward chain
- four score and seven years ago…
- inkblots 48%
- usefulness of a retrieval cue depends on the nature of the initial encoding
- Jacobs, Joseph
- keeping things in memory is easier than putting them in memory
- Lincoln’s (Abraham) Gettysburg Address
- live fire
- magical number seven plus or minus two
- match learning & recall conditions
- Miller, George
- mind-map
- negative recognition
- performance
- practice with heavy bat
- priming
- proactive interference
- quizzes
- recallable words
- recognition failure
- recognition requires less brain activity than recall
- reduce
- release from proactive interference
- retrieval cue
- retrieving makes it easier to remember
- retroactive interference
- snowflakes 33%
- state dependent learning
- switch tasks when tired
- The man lifted the piano
- The man tuned the piano
- tracking behavior
- use external memory aids
- warm up
- write is down; look it up
- Focus, Avoid & Reduce are components of:
- a. Overlearning
- b. Clustering
- c. Chunking
- d. Attention
2. We become confident before we are actually:
- a. contralateral
- b. consolidated
- c. competent
- d. chained
3. The best way to learn a long poem or speech is:
- a. backward chaining
- b. forward chaining
- c. lateral chaining
- d. recognition failure
4. Concepts include:
- a. names
- b. places
- c. things
- d. rules
5. George Miller suggested that working memory holds:
- a. seven items (plus or minus two)
- b. twelve items (plus or minus two)
- c. six items (plus or minus three)
- d. two items (plus or minus twelve)
- Focus, Avoid & Reduce are components of:
- a. Overlearning
- b. Clustering
- c. Chunking
- d. Attention
2. We become confident before we are actually:
- a. contralateral
- b. consolidated
- c. competent
- d. chained
3. The best way to learn a long poem or speech is:
- a. backward chaining
- b. forward chaining
- c. lateral chaining
- d. recognition failure
4. Concepts include:
- a. names
- b. places
- c. things
- d. rules
5. George Miller suggested that working memory holds:
- a. seven items (plus or minus two)
- b. twelve items (plus or minus two)
- c. six items (plus or minus three)
- d. two items (plus or minus twelve)