This is a cooperative adventure. Together we can understand how our biology impacts our psychology.
If you like general principles without any detail, this is not the topic for you. Your body is composed of systems, subsystems, sub-subsystems… There is a lot of detail.
I’ll try to help you organize the information so it’s easier to remember. Let me know what works for you and how I could be of more help.
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1 Terms: Saga of Dave
June 22, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- active child
- adolescence
- apoptosis
- biosocial domain
- change
- child development
- cognitive domain
- conception
- constancy
- continuous
- critical periods
- death
- describe
- developmental psychology
- discrete
- domains
- dynamic
- explain
- flexible
- geriatrics
- goals for studying development
- history-graded context
- interactive
- lifelong
- lifespan
- lifespan development
- maturation
- mental processes
- modify
- morphogenesis
- multi-contextual
- multi-cultural context
- multidimensional
- multi-directional
- multi-disciplinary
- one course
- overlapping stages
- passive child
- plastic
- predict
- primary characteristics of lifespan development
- psychosocial domain
- relatively resistant
- sensitive
- sensitive period
- separate stages
- sequential design
- social context
- stages
- steps
- universal
- waves
2 Terms: Science of Change
June 22, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- age-graded influences = choices tend to happen at particular ages (marriage, retirement)
- applied research
- basic research
- behavior modification = Thorndike, focus is on changing behaviors
- behaviorism = reaction to psychoanalysis; emphasis on observable behaviors
- case history
- case study
- causal modeling
- cause-effect
- chance
- characteristics of a theory
- chronosystem = Bronfenbrenner, cumulative lifetime experiences
- clinical interview
- clinical method (case study) = interviews and observations of an individual, infer broader application
- cognitive-developmental theory = emphasis is on how thinking changes during development
- cohort effects
- conclusions
- constructs
- contexts = environment within which events occur
- continuous development = opposite of stage theories, emphasis is on gradual ongoing changes
- controls
- correlation
- correlation coefficient
- correlational design = experiment without manipulation of independent variable
- criterion
- cross-sectional design = study people from different age groups at same time
- cross-sectional studies
- data
- data collection methods
- delayed treatment
- dependent variable
- descriptions
- developmental cognitive neuroscience = interdisciplinary study of neural changes during development
- developmental science = scientific study of changes over the entire lifespan
- discontinuous development = stage theories of development
- documentation
- ecological systems theory = Bronfenbrenner; influence of environmental systems & sub-systems
- emic perspective
- ethnography
- ethology = scientific study of animal behavior
- etic perspective
- evolutionary developmental psychology = comparative psychology, focus on how behaviors are evolutionarily advantageous; study genetic and ecological mechanisms
- exosystem = Bronfenbrenner, external influences on microsystems, unemployment, etc.
- experimental design
- experimentation
- explanations
- group data
- history-graded influences = correlated with wars, famines and epidemics
- independent variable
- inferences
- information processing = emphasis on active processing of info, not just reacting to it
- internally consistent
- inter-rater reliability
- interval scale
- interviews
- leading questions
- lifespan perspective = focus is on whole life, not focusing only on childhood or adolescencce
- longitudinal design = measuring the same people over time
- longitudinal studies
- macrosystem = Bronfenbrenner, cultural norms, political conditions
- magnitude
- mesosystem = Bronfenbrenner, interactions between mircosystems
- meta-analysis
- microsystem = Bronfenbrenner, where you live, family, peers
- model
- Morgan’s Cannon
- naturalistic observation
- nature–nurture controversy = either-or argument for heredity or environment
- necessary
- negative correlation
- nominal scale
- nonnormative influences = things that happen to one person
- normal curve
- normative approach = use normal curve to describe development by what most can do at given age
- observations
- observer effect
- open-ended questions
- operational definition
- ordinal scale
- organizing frameworks
- outcome measure
- paired observations
- participant observation
- positive correlation
- practice effects
- predictor
- properties
- psychoanalytic perspective = Freud’s psychodynamic theory of unconscious motivations
- psychosexual theory = Freud, stages of childhood development: oral, anal, phallic, latency & genital
- qualitative
- quantitative
- questionnaires
- random assignment
- random selection
- rank scale
- ratio scale
- repeated measures
- replication
- resilience = ability to recover from negative influence
- scientific method
- script
- self-report
- sensitive period = critical period, phase when a small dose can cause great damage
- sequential designs
- shared variance
- sign
- significance
- small number of assumptions
- social learning theory = Bandura, people learn in a social context, a reciprocal interaction
- sociocultural theory = Vygotsky, develop first on social level, then on individual levels
- split-plot
- stage = assumes everyone goes through same phases in the same order
- structured interview
- structured observation
- subject loss
- sufficient
- summarize facts
- symmetrical
- systematic underrepresentation
- testable hypotheses
- theory
- useful
- variables
- verification
- zero correlation
3 Terms: Genetics
June 22, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- 25,000 genes
- 46 chromosomes
- affected parent
- albinism
- allele
- asthma
- autosomal traits
- autosome
- canalization = robustness, strongly canalized behaviors develop in many different environments
- cancer
- carrier
- chromosomes = combination of DNA, RNA and protein; human cells have 46 (23 pairs); holds genes
- cluster
- Coffin-Lowry syndrome
- collectivist societies = cultures that value group achievement; opposite of individualism
- cystic fibrosis
- deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) = molecule of genetic code, double-helix structure
- dominant
- dominant–recessive inheritance = Medelian theory, genes don’t mix, win-lose (freckles, no-freckles)
- environmental influence
- epigenesis = assumes relationship between genetics and environment is bidirectional
- essential traits
- experimental study of genetics
- extended-family household = children parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles; all in one house
- fraternal twins (dizygotic) = two fertilized eggs, different gene combination, same environment
- gametes = reproductive cells (sperm and egg)
- gene = short piece of genetic code (DNA and RNA)
- genes
- genetic counseling = helping patients at risk for inherited disorders to evaluate options
- genetic–environmental correlation = amount both factors contribute to a trait
- genetics
- genomic imprinting = non-Mendelian inheritance, genes are chemically turned on or off
- genotype = genetic composition
- hemophilia
- hepatic enzyme
- hereditary factors
- heritability estimate = how much trait is due to genetics
- heterozygous
- heterozygous = each parent gives different allele (freckles & no-freckles)
- homozygous = each parent gives same allele (freckles gene from each)
- Huntington’s disease
- hypertension
- identical twins (monozygotic) = single fertilized cell divides, each becomes a child
- incomplete dominance = mixing of two traits, each halfway; might not exist in humans
- incomplete recessive
- individualistic societies = cultures that value personal achievement; opposite of collectivism
- inheritance
- kinship studies = compare family characteristics; including identical twin studies
- male pattern baldness
- meiosis = replication of gonad cells, shuffles genes in each chromosome pair, makes 4 gametes with only 23 chromosomes, each is a unique combination of parents” genetic material
- Mendel, Gregor
- Mendel’s peas
- mitosis = cell replication process of making two identical copies
- mood disorders
- multifactorial
- multiple mutations
- multiple sclerosis
- mutation
- niche-picking = tendency to pick activities that match inherited traits
- obesity
- offspring
- phenotype = observation characteristics
- PKU (Phenylketonuria)
- polygencic disorders
- polygenic inheritance = traits based on multiple genes
- prenatal diagnostic methods = testing for diseases and conditions before birth
- progeny
- public policies = governmental programs and laws
- range of reaction = portion of gene-environment interaction due to genetics
- recessive
- sex chromosomes = pair of chromosomes that determine sex of offspring
- sex-limited traits
- sex-linked traits
- shuffling
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- single gene disorders
- single traits
- socioeconomic status (SES) = composite of work experience, education & family wealth
- subculture = cluster within a society, group that differentiates itself from general culture
- Tay-Sachs disease
- X chromosome
- X-linked inheritance = genes on female chromosome, inherit from mother-grandmother
- Y chromosome
- Y-linked inheritance = genes on male chromosome, only a few genes present
- zygote
4 Terms: Prenatal
June 22, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- 300 bones
- 70+ reflexes
- age of viability = somewhere about 6 months pregnant, fetus can survive if born
- alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) = alcohol-related developmental disabilities
- amnion = fluid-filled sac that holds developing fetus
- anoxia = low oxygen; potential cause of brain damage during delivery
- Apgar Scale = evaluation of newborns on complexion, pulse, reflexes, activity & respiration
- blastocyst
- blastula
- breech position = non-head-first birth (buttocks or feet)
- cancer
- cervix
- cesarean delivery = surgical delivery of babies through abdominal wall, typically in distress
- chorion = outermost layer of an embryo, developed by follicle cells of ovary
- chromosomes
- cilia
- cleavage
- corpus luteum
- egg
- ejaculatation
- embryo = first 8 weeks of prenatal development
- embryo stage
- enzymes
- expected date of delivery
- expel
- fallopian tube
- fallopian tube contractions
- female sex cells
- fertilization
- fertilized egg
- fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) = continuum of disorders cause by prenatal alcohol exposure
- fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) = prenatal exposure to alcohol, leading cause of mental retardation
- fetal monitors = monitors fetal heart rate & mother’s uterine contractions
- fetal stage
- fetus = from week 8-40 of prenatal development
- fimbria
- follicle
- fraternal twins
- FSH (folicle stimulating)
- full term
- germinal stage
- hCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin)
- hormones
- human placental lactogen (HPL)
- implantation
- infant mortality = death of infant under 1 year old
- inflammation
- irregular ovulation
- lanugo = soft fine hair on fetus, normally disappears before birth
- last menses period (LMP)
- LH (luteinizing hormone)
- ligaments
- menstrual period
- morula
- natural childbirth (prepared) = 1930’s movement, noninvasive methods to reduce delivery pain
- Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) = test for infant 3 days to 4 weeks, checklist
- neural tube = develops into spinal cord and brain
- non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep = 3 sleep stages that precede REM
- ova (plural)
- ovarian stem cells
- ovaries
- ovulation
- ovum
- partial fetal alcohol syndrome (p-FAS) = prenatal alcohol exposure: CNS damage & growth deficiency
- placenta = organ that filters mother’s blood supply for developing fetus
- preterm infants
- progesterone
- rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep = stage of sleep that includes vivid dreams & sleep paralysis
- reflex = smallest amount of behavior, sensory neuron goes to spinal cord & triggers motor neuron
- Rh factor incompatibility = can be a problem in delivery with fetus & mother’s blood come in contact
- scar tissue & cysts
- small-for-date infants = below 10th percentile in weight
- sperm
- sperm head
- sperm middle
- sperm tail
- states of arousal = levels of consciousness, including sleep
- sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) = unexpected death of infant under age 1
- surfactant
- teratogen = any substance that interferes with embryo development
- testicles
- trimesters = 40 weeks of pregnancy divided into 3 sections
- trophoblast
- tubal ectopic pregnancy
- umbilical cord = connects fetus and placenta
- unfertilized egg
- uterine contractions
- uterus
- vagina
- vernix = vernix caseosa, white coating on newborn’s skin, waxy texture
- viability
- visual acuity = clearness, focus; newborn have limited vision
- XX
- XY
- zygote
5 Terms: Birth
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- 200 words & walking
- 4000 words & share
- accommodation = Piaget, adding to schema categories
- adaptation = adjusting to environment
- all-nothing
- arousal
- assimilation = Piaget, adding information to current schema
- attention
- autobiographical memory = episodic memory, what you did on summer vacation
- babbling = repetitive consonant sounds, goes with sitting up, 6 months
- Babinski’s reflex
- Bauer’s reflex
- central executive = cognitive process that coordinates all mental activity
- child-directed speech (CDS) = parents give clear, exaggerated speech, helps learn language
- circular reaction = repeat event on purpose, drop bottle accidently, do again on purpose
- cognition
- color vision
- consciousness
- contrast & complexity
- cooing = first language-like sounds, goes with rolling over, 3 months old
- core knowledge perspective = hypothetical innate knowledge systems
- crawl & say “dada”
- curves & patterns
- deferred imitation = can recall & model behavior of model not there
- developmental quotient (DQ) = infant intelligence tests, unreliable
- developmentally appropriate practice = guidelines of proper child care services
- doll eyes
- expressive style of language = use language to talk about feelings
- faces
- fencing reflex
- grasping reflex
- habituation
- hallmarks
- Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) = checklist for home eval.
- imprinting
- inattention blindness
- infant perception
- infantile amnesia = inability to recall pre-verbal phase of life
- infantile reflexes
- intelligence quotient (IQ) = widely used predictor of school success
- intentional behavior (goal-directed) = reaching-touching, solving simple problems
- irreversible coma
- joint attention = child & parent attend to same object
- language acquisition device (LAD) = hypothetical innate language processor
- laugh out loud
- life-long reflexes
- long-term memory = unknown capacity, less permanent than thought
- Lorenz, Konrad
- make-believe play = act out scenes, dress up, pretend cooking, being a monkey
- mental representation = internal symbols that can be manipulated
- mental strategies = well-practiced plans of how to achieve goals
- Moro reflex
- normal distribution = symmetrical distribution of population scores, chance
- object permanence = Piaget, learning out of sight is not out of existence
- organization = Piaget, development of cognitive representations
- overextension = using Dog for all animals
- parachute reflex
- perception
- prune sounds
- recall = recollection from a cue; listing items
- recognition = selecting from available choices; multiple choice items
- referential style of language = use language to get objects
- reflexes
- reticular formation
- rollover & coo
- rooting reflex
- scheme = Piaget, mental representation
- sensorimotor stage = Piaget’s 1st stage of development, coordination of motor skills
- sensory register = separate buffers for vision and hearing, disappears if not attended to
- sit up & babble
- sleep thru night
- stand up & single words
- standardization = basing test interpretation on the normal curve
- startle response
- stepping reflex
- sucking reflex
- telegraphic speech
- underextension = use Dog for family pet but not other dogs
- vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
- violation-of-expectation method = facial expressions as dependent variable to surprise stimuli
- visual acuity
- working memory (short-term) = things currently focused on, keep active with rehearsal
- zone of proximal development = Vygotsky, what can do without help & what can do with help
6 Terms: Infants
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- 200 words & walking
- 4000 words & share
- accommodation = Piaget, adding to schema categories
- adaptation = adjusting to environment
- all-nothing
- arousal
- assimilation = Piaget, adding information to current schema
- attention
- autobiographical memory = episodic memory, what you did on summer vacation
- babbling = repetitive consonant sounds, goes with sitting up, 6 months
- Babinski’s reflex
- Bauer’s reflex
- central executive = cognitive process that coordinates all mental activity
- child-directed speech (CDS) = parents give clear, exaggerated speech, helps learn language
- circular reaction = repeat event on purpose, drop bottle accidently, do again on purpose
- cognition
- color vision
- consciousness
- contrast & complexity
- cooing = first language-like sounds, goes with rolling over, 3 months old
- core knowledge perspective = hypothetical innate knowledge systems
- crawl & say “dada”
- curves & patterns
- deferred imitation = can recall & model behavior of model not there
- developmental quotient (DQ) = infant intelligence tests, unreliable
- developmentally appropriate practice = guidelines of proper child care services
- doll eyes
- expressive style of language = use language to talk about feelings
- faces
- fencing reflex
- grasping reflex
- habituation
- hallmarks
- Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) = checklist for home eval.
- imprinting
- inattention blindness
- infant perception
- infantile amnesia = inability to recall pre-verbal phase of life
- infantile reflexes
- intelligence quotient (IQ) = widely used predictor of school success
- intentional behavior (goal-directed) = reaching-touching, solving simple problems
- irreversible coma
- joint attention = child & parent attend to same object
- language acquisition device (LAD) = hypothetical innate language processor
- laugh out loud
- life-long reflexes
- long-term memory = unknown capacity, less permanent than thought
- Lorenz, Konrad
- make-believe play = act out scenes, dress up, pretend cooking, being a monkey
- mental representation = internal symbols that can be manipulated
- mental strategies = well-practiced plans of how to achieve goals
- Moro reflex
- normal distribution = symmetrical distribution of population scores, chance
- object permanence = Piaget, learning out of sight is not out of existence
- organization = Piaget, development of cognitive representations
- overextension = using Dog for all animals
- parachute reflex
- perception
- prune sounds
- recall = recollection from a cue; listing items
- recognition = selecting from available choices; multiple choice items
- referential style of language = use language to get objects
- reflexes
- reticular formation
- rollover & coo
- rooting reflex
- scheme = Piaget, mental representation
- sensorimotor stage = Piaget’s 1st stage of development, coordination of motor skills
- sensory register = separate buffers for vision and hearing, disappears if not attended to
- sit up & babble
- sleep thru night
- stand up & single words
- standardization = basing test interpretation on the normal curve
- startle response
- stepping reflex
- sucking reflex
- telegraphic speech
- underextension = use Dog for family pet but not other dogs
- vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
- violation-of-expectation method = facial expressions as dependent variable to surprise stimuli
- visual acuity
- working memory (short-term) = things currently focused on, keep active with rehearsal
- zone of proximal development = Vygotsky, what can do without help & what can do with help
7 Terms: Toddlers
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- Ainsworth, Mary
- Asperger’s syndrome
- attachment
- attachment figure
- Attachment Q-Sort = sort descriptions of child into categories of very-like to very-unlike
- attachment-in-making phase
- authoritarian parenting
- authoritative parenting
- autism
- autonomy versus shame and doubt = Erikson’s 2nd stage of development; virtue is will
- avoidant attachment
- babbling
- basic emotions = hypothetical list of simple emotions that are biologically encoded
- basic trust versus mistrust = Erikson’s 1st stage of development; virtue is hope
- Bowlby, John
- caregiver
- casein-free diet
- categorical self = Turner, assigning yourself to one of many levels of abstraction
- child-directed speech
- childhood disintegrative disorder
- chromosomal abnormalities
- clear-cut attachment phase
- compliance = immediate obedience, not to be confused with respect
- compliance category = aware of parent, can follow simple instructions
- comprehension
- consonant sounds
- conversational turn-taking
- coo
- delay of gratification = ability to delay action for larger reward
- demanding
- developmental disorder
- diet
- difficult child = Thomas & Chase; 10%, don’t like change, loud disapproval
- disorganized/disoriented attachment
- easy child = Thomas & Chase; 40%, cheerful, adapts easily
- effortful control = ability to self-regulate temperament
- emotional self-regulation = ability to adjust emotional response to environment
- empathy
- ethological theory of attachment
- first sounds
- genetics
- gluten-free diet
- goodness-of-fit model = Thomas & Chase; adapt environment to match child
- holophrases
- indifferent parenting
- inhibited, or shy, child = withdraw from novel stimuli, negative response
- interactional synchrony = caregiver & baby respond to each other’s emotional cues
- internal working model = expectations of availability of help
- itchy clothes
- joint attention
- language abnormalities
- language development
- mercury poisoning
- milestones
- mirror neurons
- multiple attachments
- naming
- overextensions
- over-regularization
- parental control
- parental styles
- parental warmth
- permissive parenting
- playmate
- pre-attachment phase
- pretend play
- preverbal gestures
- production
- pronunciation
- prune
- psychoanalytic
- reciprocal relationship phase
- requesting
- resistant attachment
- Rett syndrome
- secure attachment
- secure base = toddlers use familiar people as refuge from explorations
- self-conscious emotions = more than basic emotions: shame, pride, guilt, embarrassed
- self-recognition = see self in mirror or baby in mirror
- sensitive caregiving = prompt response to infant’s needs
- separation anxiety = upset when caregiver leaves
- separation episode
- single word sentences
- single words
- sit up (supported)
- sleep through night
- slow-to-warm-up child = Thomas & Chase; 10%, inactive, low-key reactions
- sociable child (uninhibited child) = approach novel stimuli, positive reaction
- social interaction
- social referencing = look at others to see how should react
- social smile = at 8 weeks, broad grin at parents
- species specific
- stand up & single words
- Strange Situation Task
- stranger anxiety = at 10 months, afraid of unfamiliar people, warm up to them
- telegraphic speech
- temperament = hypothesized biological reactivity, appears early, activity level
- toddlers
- two-word phrases
- underextensions
- uninhibited child (sociable child) = approach novel stimuli, positive reaction
- unusual attachment
- vaccines
- vocabulary
- vocabulary spurt
- wave bye-bye
8 Terms: Preschoolers
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- academic programs = series of educational classes (program)
- animistic thinking = Piaget’s preoperational stage, dolls have feelings too
- appearance-reality
- autism
- autism spectrum disorders
- basket-catching
- beliefs
- body development
- brain development
- brain metabolism
- cardinality = learn ordinality first (greater than), learn last number limits set
- centration = Piaget’s preoperational stage, focus on one aspect only
- cephalocaudal trend
- cerebellum = coordinates motor control, balance
- child-centered programs = education focused on needs of children
- cognitive processing
- cognitive theories
- conservation = Piaget, develops in concrete stage, volume is constant but cup shape can change
- corpus callosum = major neural connection between brain hemispheres
- deficits of mind
- direct perception
- direct-matching hypothesis
- dominant cerebral hemisphere = left for language, right for spatial tasks
- dual representation = Piaget, acquired with age, able to use symbol and what it means
- egocentrism = Piaget, child sees only own perspective
- emergent literacy = what kids know about reading before they can read (vocabulary, sounds)
- empathy
- expansions = expanding of what child says, increasing complexity of conversation
- false-belief task
- fast-mapping = learning concepts based on only a few data points
- fine motor skills
- gross motor skills
- growth hormone (GH) = secreted by pituitary, helps regulate growth
- guided participation = Vygotsky, exploration within limits, help when needed
- hierarchical classification = Piaget, concrete thinking structures
- hippocampus = consolidates STM into LRM, needed for encoding, not retrieval
- immediate response
- intents
- interaction
theory - internal states
- inverse modeling hypothesis
- irreversibility = Piaget, preoperational stage, don’t know objects taken apart and be put together
- knowledge
- language development
- lateralization of hemispheres
- memory strategies = methods to increase recall, usually increase encoding efficiency
- mental representation
- mental skills
- mental states
- metacognition = knowing what you know, awareness of own cognitive processes
- mind
- mind-blindness
- mirror neurons
- naturalistic observation
- ordinality = Piaget, learn greater than relationsips
- overregularization = apply grammar rules in all cases; I holded the rabbit
- phonological awareness = knowing letter sounds
- pituitary gland = regulated by hypothalamus
- plasticity
- pragmatics = how context impacts word meanings
- preferential looking
- pre-linguistic
- preoperational stage = Piaget, ages 2-6, no conservation or logical thought
- pretend
- private speech = Vygotsky, self-guidance, talk to self when solving problem
- Project Head Start = summer program for preschoolers, started in 1965
- psychosocial dwarfism = extreme deprivation cause low levels of growth hormone, failure to thrive
- recasts = correcting language errors without stopping conversation, what kind of food do you want?
- relational frame theory
- response modeling
- reticular formation = brain stem, regulates awake-sleep
- Sally-Anne task
- scaffolding = Bruner’s addition to Vygotsky, we learn by building on previous knowledge
- schizophrenia
- scripts = common social interactions you can predict. Hello, hello; How are you, fine how are you
- second-person perspective
- simulation theory
- sleep-deprived
- Smarties task
- sociodramatic play = acting out scenes, using puppets, props, telling a story
- stuttering
- synaptic pruning
- theory of mind
- third-person perspective
- thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) = released by pituitary, regulates thyroid
9 Terms: Grades 1-3
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- abstract thought
- accommodation
- active learning
- active participation
- androgyny = combine male & female characteristics, sexual ambiguity
- animistic thinking
- assimilation
- assisted discovery
- associative play = playing same game but not together, everyone doing puzzles
- authoritarian child-rearing style = little warmth, strict rules & punishments
- authoritative child-rearing style = firm guidelines but flexible rules
- Bruner, Jerome
- child-rearing styles = Baummind; strategies & parent-child interaction patterns
- cognitive development
- concrete operational stage
- conservation
- conservation of area
- conservation of length
- conservation of number
- conservation of substance
- conservation of volume
- conservation of weight
- construction of knowledge
- cooperative learning
- cooperative play = taking turns, dynamic interaction with others
- cross-cultural differences
- developmental trend
- discovery learning
- disequilibrium
- education
- egocentric thought
- equilibrium
- formal operational stage
- gender constancy = Kohlberg’s extension of Piaget’s theory, create schema of own gender
- gender identity = which gender you think you are
- gender schema theory = learning about gender from the surrounding culture, mental representation
- gender typing = how girls and boys are supposed to behave
- guided participation
- head full of people metaphor
- holistic theory
- immediate feedback
- impatient
- individual differences
- induction = rite of passage, celebration of group acceptance
- initiative versus guilt = Erikson’s 3rd developmental stage, virtue is purpose
- instructional scaffolding
- internalization
- internalized dialogues
- interpsychological
- intersubjectivity
- intrapsychological
- logical thought
- magical thinking
- make-believe play
- matters of personal choice = not imperatives, matters of preference
- mentor facilitation
- mentor-student learning
- middle childhood
- moral imperatives = absolute rule of how one must act
- nonsocial activity = playing by self
- object permanence
- parallel play = play next to each other but not with each other
- peer collaboration
- peer learning
- permissive child-rearing style = parenting with indulgence, few performance demands
- physical aggression = hitting, pushing, threatening physical harm
- Piaget, Jean
- preoperational stage
- private speech
- private speech
- proactive aggression = attack, intent to harm
- prosocial behavior (altruistic behavior) = helping others of your species
- proximal development
- psychological control = intrusive manipulation of others
- reactive aggression = retaliation, intent to harm
- readiness to learn
- relational aggression = covert aggression, bullying; shun from group
- reversibility
- scaffolding
- schema
- self-concept = self-esteem plus other self-judgments
- self-critical
- self-directed speech
- self-esteem = Maslow, Rogers; self-judgment of existential worth or value
- sensorimotor stage
- social conventions = generally accepted standard, unwritten law of how to behave
- social mediation
- social speech
- somersaults
- sympathy = feeling concerned, understanding how someone else feels
- think like a scientist
- time out = negative punishment; common parenting technique, not recommended
- uninvolved child-rearing style = parental style with limited restrictions
- verbal aggression = threats, taunting, yelling, name calling
- Vygotsky, Lev
- zone of proximal development
10 Terms: Grades 4-6
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- ability to sit still
- adaptive behavior
- ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder)
- birth complication
- brain injuries
- chronic disability
- cognitive maps = mental maps (find way through maze), represent & organize information
- cognitive self-regulation = metacognition, monitoring and control of mental strategies
- concrete operational stage = Piaget’s stage for
- constructivist classroom = less lecture, more self-directed learning & task sequences
- convergent thinking = rewarded for interconnecting ideas; thought to increase problem solving
- cooperative learning = facilitated learning using labs, problem solving tasks and groups
- creativity = generating new ideas and products
- daydreaming
- developmental delay
- developmental disability
- diagnosis
- difficulty organizing
- divergent thinking = rewarded for new ideas; thought to increase creativity
- dominance hierarchy = hierarchical structure of social or peer group
- dosage levels
- dynamic assessment = Vygotsky; learn-assess-learn-asses
- easily distracted
- educational self-fulfilling prophecies
- elaboration = adding details to make item more memorable; more time equals deeper processing
- emotional intelligence = knowledge and awareness of how you feel
- environmental enrichment
- environmental factors
- euphemism treadmill
- genetic differences
- genetics
- gifted = intellectually more advanced, opposite end of normal curve from mental retardation
- Goddard, Henry
- hyperactive-impulsive
- hyperactive-impulsive & inattentive
- hyperactivity
- hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms
- idiot
- idiota
- imbecile
- impatient
- impulsivity
- inattention
- inattention symptoms
- inclusive classrooms = special education students are included in general classroom setting
- intellectual disability
- intelligence
- IQ
- IQ myths
- learning disabilities = significant problems with learning or school
- medications
- mental age
- mental retardation
- mentally challenged
- mentally delayed
- mentally slow
- mildly retarded
- moderate mental retardation
- moron
- obesity = excess body fat; BMI over 30
- organization = Piaget’s principle of mental representations, constructing & connecting schemata
- pathophysiology
- phonics approach = learn reading by learning sounds
- predominantly inattentive
- prenatal environment
- profoundly retarded
- racial IQ gap
- rehearsal = keeping items in working memory by repeating them over and over
- reversibility = part of Piaget’s concrete operations, order of addition doesn’t matter
- reward mechanism
- rough-and-tumble play = active play that includes rolling, wrestling, chasing and laughing
- school skills
- school success
- seriation = part of Piaget’s concrete operations, putting items in order
- sheltered workshop
- side effects
- social-constructivist classroom = less lecture, more small groups & collaborative tasks
- spaced out
- special
- speech delays
- stereotype threat = perform worse on tasks if situation cues indicate you will confirm a negative stereotype (anxious that you will fail and “prove” stereotype is true
- stimulants
- sugar
- symptoms
- talent = natural talent or skill
- theory of multiple intelligences = Gardner’s model, 8 factors: musical, visual, verbal, logical, bodily, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic
- traditional classroom = multiple students with single teacher at same location
- transitive inference = inferring from complex interrelated facts
- traumatic brain injury
- treatment
- triarchic theory of successful intelligence: Sternberg’s 3 factor theory: metacognition (executive processing), performance (LTM, doing) and knowledge-acquisition (choosing relevant information).
- untrained
- whole-language approach = Chomsky, emphasis on meaning, literature, journaling; not phonics
11 Terms: PreTeens
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- adaptive defenses
- anxious avoidance
- appraisal-focused category
- autonomy vs shame-doubt
- average children
- blended families (reconstituted) = marriage with children from previous marriages
- bullying
- care
- competence
- controversial children
- coping
- coping mechanisms
- coping skills
- coping strategies
- coregulation = dynamic social interaction, change voice & expressions as needed
- creative problem solvers
- critical period
- defense mechanisms (Freud)
- dissociation (compartmentalize)
- divorce mediation = negotiated divorce settlement led by non-lawyer or non-representing lawyer
- ego
- ego identity vs role confusion
- ego integrity vs despair
- emotion-centered coping = reduce stress by lowering negative feelings, might not solve problem
- emotion-focused category
- epigenetic
- Erikson, Erik
- escape (e.g., self-mediation)
- fidelity
- generativity vs stagnation
- groups
- hierarchical stages
- hierarchical structure
- hope
- Horney, Karen
- identify crisis
- Identity formation
- industry versus inferiority = Erikson’s 4th stage of development; the virtue is competence
- industry vs inferiority
- initiative vs guilt
- intimacy vs isolation
- joint custody = legal status, after divorce, both parents make decisions about child’s life
- learned helplessness
- life crisis
- love
- maladaptive coping
- mastery-oriented attributions = credit success to ability & hard work
- moving against
- moving away
- moving toward
- negative identity
- neglected children
- neurotic
- neurotic needs
- neurotic strategies
- peer acceptance = quality of relationships with peeers
- peer group
- peer victimization
- perspective taking = able to understand what others might be thinking
- phobia = irrational fear
- popular children
- popular-antisocial children = accepted by peers (liked) but don’t work well with others
- popular-prosocial children = accepted by peers (liked) and work well with others
- prejudice
- primary group
- proactive coping
- problem-centered coping
- problem-focused category
- productive coping
- purpose
- reference group
- rejected children
- rejected-aggressive children = rejected by peers (not liked) and confrontational
- rejected-withdrawn children = rejected by peers (not liked) and shy
- role confusion
- school achievement
- school engagement
- secondary group
- self-care children = under 14 but mostly without parental supervision
- sensitization (numbing)
- sequential stages
- social comparisons = Festinger’s theory, drive to get accurate assessment of self
- social coping
- social group
- trust vs distrust
- unconscious strategies
- virtue
- will
- wisdom
12 Terms: Puberty
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- abdominal cramps
- adolescence = ages 13-19, transition from child to adult, puberty
- adolescent egocentrism
- anorexia nervosa = eating disorder, self-starvation, intense fear of weight gain, loss of control
- anovulatory
- attraction
- baby face
- balls drop
- body fat
- body image
- body odor: more fatty acid in sweat
- bulimia nervosa = eating disorder, counters overeating with radical exercising or purging
- cervix
- clitoral glans
- clitoris
- darkening of areola
- delayed puberty
- egg
- endometrial tissue
- endometrium = inner most layer of uterus
- erection
- estrogen
- facial symmetry
- filling in & filling out
- foreskin
- foreskin retraction
- formal operational stage= Piaget’s stage, abstract and symbolic thinking
- FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
- glans penis (distal end)
- GnRH
- gonadarche
- gonads
- growth spurt
- hips & pelvis widen
- hormones
- hypothalamus
- hypothetico-deductive reasoning = Piaget’s stage, think like a scientist, generate a general theory
- imaginary audience
- invulnerable
- irregular periods
- labia
- larynx
- lean body mass
- LH (luteinizing hormone)
- menarche
- menstrual bleeding
- menstrual cycle
- menstrual period
- menstruum = flow
- morning wood
- nocturnal penile tumescence
- ovaries
- overestimation
- ovulation
- periovulatory period
- personal fable
- pimples
- precocious puberty
- prepubertal breast
- primary sexual characteristics = sex organs (ovaries or testes)
- propositional thought = Piaget’s stage, mastered in adolescence, logical abstract thought
- puberty
- pubic hair
- pubic triangle
- pulse generator
- random erections
- scrotum
- secondary sex characteristics = look more male or female
- secular trend = average age of puberty is decreasing
- sexual reproduction
- sperm
- spermarche = development of sperm in boys
- spotting
- testicles
- testosterone
- uterus
- vagina
13 Terms: Personal Identity
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- anorexia nervosa
- anxiety
- anxiety disorders
- appetite suppressants
- artificial sugar
- bad breath & tooth enamel
- binge-eating
- binge-purge
- body checking
- bone mass density
- buffet of high-calorie foods
- bulimia nervosa
- co-morbidity
- crash dieting
- delayed puberty
- depression
- distorted body image
- eating disorders
- estrogen
- excessive exercise
- exercising to exhaustion
- fasting
- fat absorption
- female monkeys
- fructose
- gastric bypass surgery
- gender identity
- homosexuality
- hypothermia
- ideal weight
- irrational fear of gaining weight
- laxatives
- malnutrition
- menstrual period
- Müllerian ducts
- obesity
- obsessive compulsive (OCD)
- perfectionism
- Prader-Willi syndrome
- prenatal influences
- purging
- retarded growth
- rituals
- sexual differentiation
- sexual orientation
- stomach distension
- syndromal obesity
- underweight
- vas deferens = tube from epididymis to ejaculatory duct
- vomiting
- weight loss
- Wolffian ducts
- XX
- XY
14 Terms: College-Career
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- acquisition
- aesthetic (artistic) environment
- age-graded stages
- agitation
- alternatives
- ambiguous situations
- antipsychotic drugs
- attribution effect
- availability bias
- basal metabolic rate (BMR) = amount of energy your body expends daily
- behavior
- biological aging, or senescence = theory of aging, cells can infinitely divide
- bystander effect
- capacity
- capacity stage
- cognitive bias
- cognitive process
- cognitive-affective complexity = as adults mature, integrate thinking & emotion into complex structure
- commitment
- commitment within relativistic thinking = synthesize contradictions, living with opposing views
- context
- conventional environment
- correspondence bias
- cost-benefit analysis
- course adjustment
- cross-linkage theory of aging = genetic theory of aging, compounds interfere with normal cell growth
- crystallization stage
- decision making
- decline stage
- deliberative reasoning
- delusions
- diagnosis
- diffusion of responsibility
- disability
- disorganized thinking
- dispositional explanation
- dualistic thinking = young children, divide into good-bad categories, in contrast to realistic,
- enterprising environment
- episodes
- epistemic cognition = thinking about how knowledge is discovered
- establishment stage
- expertise = acquiring mastery and skills
- exploration stage
- fantasy
- fantasy period = childish vocational choices; want to be a fireman and a Nun
- fantasy stage
- finite set
- flat affect
- flow
- free radicals = odd number of electrons on oxygen atoms, cause of cell damage, countered by antioxidants
- fundamental attribution error
- Ginzberg, Eli
- growth stage
- hallucinations
- Havighurst, Robert
- high stakes
- Holland, John
- identification
- incidence
- influences
- information overload
- intellectual environment
- interest
- interest stage
- lack of fluid speech
- lack of initiative
- lack of persistence
- lack of pleasure
- maintenance stage
- negative symptoms
- nonsense speech
- occupational environments
- personality
- positive symptoms
- postformal thought = integrates emotion and thought; hot cognition
- pragmatic thought = use logic to solve real world problems
- premenstrual syndrome (PMS) = symptoms during last half of menses, varies between women
- problem solving steps
- productive stage
- pros & cons
- range of severity
- rational choice theory
- realistic choice
- realistic environment
- realistic period = late teens & early 20’s, vocational choices less idealistic
- reduction
- reiterative process
- relativistic thinking = ability to adjust “truth” within contexts
- schizophrenia
- selection
- self-serving bias
- side effects
- situational explanation
- social environment
- specification stage
- stabilization
- Super, Donald
- symptoms
- telomeres = keep chromosome ends from fusing together when cells divide
- tentative
- tentative choice
- tentative period = vocational choices as teens, subject to change
- terminal problem
- thought blocking
- thought disorders
- time pressures
- transition
- trial stage
- unusual facial expressions
- value stage
- vocational
- vocational choice theory
- vocational theories
15 Terms: Marriage & Kids
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- absolute strength
- adoption
- adult world
- agape style
- artificial insemination
- assisted reproduction
- attachment
- attractive alternatives
- caring
- childless
- cohabitation = two unmarried people living together
- color wheel of love
- companionate love
- compassionate love
- consummate love
- conventional IVF
- costs
- decision-commitment
- down-regulation
- early adult transition
- early adult transition tasks
- egalitarian marriage = style of marriage based on equality
- emerging adulthood = hypothetical period between teen and adult
- empty love
- enter adult world
- eros style
- exposure theory of love
- family life cycle
- fatuous love
- fertility drugs
- follicle stimulating
- friendship
- Gould, Roger
- Hatfield, Elaine
- hyperstimulation
- ideal relationships
- in vitro fertilization
- infatuation
- infertility
- inner stages of consciousness
- intimacy
- intimacy versus isolation = Erikson’s 6th stage of development; virtue is love
- intracytoplasmic sperm injection
- investment
- investment theory of love
- involuntary childlessness
- leaving parents’ world
- Lee, John
- Levinson, Daniel
- life structure
- liking
- limerence
- loneliness = feeling isolated, loss of companionship
- long protocol
- love
- loving
- ludos style
- major false assumptions
- mania style
- mellowing
- middle adulthood
- midlife decade
- mid-life transition
- mid-life transition tasks
- mild IVF
- modified-natural IVF
- natural IVF
- ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)
- ovarian stimulation risks
- passion
- passionate love
- political issues
- pragma style
- quality of living
- reexamination
- relative strength
- rewards
- romance
- royal succession
- Rubin, Zick
- Rusbult, Caryl
- seasons
- secondary infertility
- settling down
- shape of triangle
- short protocol
- similarity theory of love
- size of triangle
- social clock = social expectation to do things at a particular stage of life
- Stability & Acceptance
- Stable Period
- Stage 1: Family of origin
- Stage 2: Leaving home
- Stage 3: Pre-marriage
- Stage 4: Childless couple
- Stage 5: Family w/ young children
- Stage 6. Family with adolescents
- Stage 7: Launching children
- Stage 8: Later family life
- Sternberg, Robert
- stigma
- storge style
- surrogacy
- test-tube baby
- theories of love
- traditional marriage = how your culture historically has celebrated marriage
- transitional period
- transitory love
- transvaginal surgery
- triangular theory of love
- turning-30 transition
- voluntary childlessness
- whirlwind courtship
16 Terms: Menopause
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- acute-angle closure glaucoma
- amenorrhea
- aqueous humor
- astigmatism
- cataract
- choroid blood vessels
- ciliary body
- climacteric = menopause
- cornea
- crystallized intelligence = Cattell’s skills & task knowledge, in contrast to fluid intelligence
- depth of field
- diabetic retinopathy
- drusen
- dry macular degeneration
- estrogen
- estrogen therapy
- floaters
- fluid intelligence = Cattell’s abstract thinking, in contrast to crystallized intelligence
- Gabapentin (Neurontin); seizure medication
- glaucoma
- hardiness = opposite of frailty, theory that some people are genetically resistant
- hormone therapy = prescription of anabolic steroids to counter aging declines of hormones
- hormones
- hot flashes
- information-loss view = information processing theory of reduced cognition as age
- iris
- irregular menstrual periods
- lens
- low-dose antidepressants(SSRIs)
- macula
- menopause
- neovascular glaucoma
- neural network view = theory that changes in cognition in elderly are circuit-based
- open-angle glaucoma
- osteoporosis
- perimenopause
- peripheral vision
- posterior vitreous detachmentor (PVD)
- postmenopausal osteoporosis
- practical problem solving = doesn’t seem to diminish with age
- presbycusis = gradual loss of hearing high frequencies
- presbyopia = eye lens loses ability to focus (bend)
- primary open-angle glaucoma
- primary type 1 osteoporosis
- primary type 2 osteoporosis
- progesterone
- progressive bone disease
- pupil of the iris
- retina
- Schlemm’s canal
- sclera
- sclerosis
- secondary osteoporosis
- senile osteoporosis
- steoporosis
- steroid-induced glaucoma
- testosterone
- Type A behavior pattern = 1950’s pop theory that heart disease can be predicted by two personality types. Type A’s are status conscious overachievers. Type B’s are creative and steady workers.
- vitreous humor
- wet macular degeneration
- white of the eye
17 Terms: Midlife Crisis
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- abstract thinking
- active distraction
- Baby Boomers
- basic needs of love
- Big Five personality traits = Costa & McCrae; based on factor analysis, proposes 5 dimensions: (OCEAN) openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism
- burnout
- burnout prevention
- compliance
- compulsion to prove self phase
- congruence
- contempt (disgust)
- create shared meaning principle
- criticism of other’s personality
- cynicism-involvement dimension
- defensiveness
- delayed gratification
- denial of emerging problems phase
- depersonalization phase
- depression phase
- displacement of conflicts phase
- distract from reward
- divorce
- enhance your love maps principle
- exhaustion-energy dimension
- feminization of poverty
- generativity vs stagnation = Erikson’s 7th stage of development; virtue is care
- glass ceiling
- humanism
- inefficacy-efficacy dimension
- inner emptiness phase
- job outlook
- judgment
- kinkeeper = usually mother, act as hub of family info, care and interaction
- let partner influence you principle
- life changes
- marital stability
- Marshmallow Study
- Maslach Burnout Inventory
- midlife crisis
- midlife transition
- more fondness & admiration principle
- neglecting personal needs phase
- obvious behavioral changes phase
- overcome gridlock principle
- parental imperative theory = Gutmann’s theory, parents push gender roles when children are young but later reclaim a broad perspective
- phases of burnout
- phenomenological field
- physically collapse phase
- positive regard by others
- positive regard by self
- possible selves = part of self-concept; what you might become
- predictors of divorce
- principles of marital stability
- reaction
- real self
- reassess achievements
- reconnections
- revision of values phase
- reward-delaying strategies
- sandwich generation
- self
- self as perceived
- self control
- self-concept
- self-esteem
- self-observation
- self-regulation
- self-response
- self-talk
- skipped-generation family
- solve the solvable problems principle
- stonewalling (withdrawal)
- strategic thinking
- subconscious
- turn toward each other principle
- unemployed
- withdrawal phase
- work environment
- working harder phase
18 Terms: Retirement Planning
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- activities of daily living (ADLs)
- Alzheimer’s disease
- amyloid plaques
- assisted living
- assistive technology
- associative memory deficit
- autoimmune response
- average healthy life expectancy
- average life expectancy
- cataracts (p. 567)
- cerebrovascular dementia
- compression of morbidity
- dementia
- frailty
- functional age
- implicit memory
- instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)
- macular degeneration
- maximum lifespan
- neurofibrillary tangles
- osteoarthritis
- primary aging
- prospective memory
- remote memory
- rheumatoid arthritis
- secondary aging
- selective optimization with compensation
- sleep apnea
- terminal decline
- wisdom
19 Terms: Aging & Memory
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- absentminded professor effect
- active memory
- activity theory = implicit or normal theory of aging; assumes staying active delays aging.
- affect optimization = part of Labouvie-Vief’s aging theory; older you get, aim for optimal happiness
- aging in place = live in own home & community as age
- Alzheimer’s
- aneurysms
- arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)
- buffers
- cerebral embolism
- chunks
- congregate housing = private bedroom & bath but share dining room, activities, etc.
- continuity theory = when old continue same beliefs and activities from youth
- cueing effect
- declarative memory
- dependency–support script = dependent behaviors of institutionalized are attended to; rewarded
- disengagement theory = older you get, more socially isolated you become
- Down’s syndrome
- early onset Alzheimer’s
- echoic memory
- ego integrity versus despair = Erikson’s 8th stage of development; wisdom is the virtue.
- episodic memory
- everyday memory
- gerotranscendence = become more transcendent when old, less materialistic
- hemorrhagic stroke
- high blood pressure
- iconic memory
- independence–ignore script = independent behaviors of institutionalized are ignored; extinguished
- ischemic stroke
- late onset Alzheimer’s
- life-care communities = multistage retirement community, shift to more assisted care as needed
- long-term memory
- memory
- memory systems
- neuron tangles
- optimal aging = successful aging; elderly who are healthy and cognitively fit
- practical memory
- primary memory
- procedural memory
- progressive disease
- prospective memory
- protein plaque (clumps)
- pulses
- recall
- reminiscence = life review as a tool for successful aging
- secondary friends = as age lose primary friends, must establish new relationships
- semantic memory
- sensory memory
- short-term memory (STM)
- social convoy = network of friends “travel” through life together
- socioemotional selectivity theory = more careful how spend time & money as age
- steps
- stroke
- Third Age = over 45; last trimester of life
- thrombotic stroke
- transient ischemic attack
- when memory
- working memory
- Yoruba people of Nigeria
20 Terms: Death & Dying
June 21, 2013 by Developmental (Edit)
- appropriate death = good death; free of distress
- acceptance
- accident death
- advance medical directive = general term for living will, health-care proxy & power of attorney
- agonal phase
- algor mortis
- anger
- anticipatory grieving = feeling loss before death of person with long illness
- Balfour’s test
- bargaining
- bereavement = feelings of grief, desolation and loss
- bloating
- brain death
- burial options
- burial rituals
- clinical dead
- cloudy eyes
- comfort care (palliative care) = reducing pain in terminal patients by medication dosage
- compressed capillaries
- cremation
- death anxiety = persistent neurotic belief that you’re about to die
- death certificate
- death chill
- death rattle
- decomposition
- denial
- depression
- died of old age
- disarticulated bones
- discoloration
- dual-process model of coping = grief theory that people dynamically switch between loss & restoration
- durable power of attorney = legal document to assign another to make decisions for you
- electrical stimulation
- embalming
- euthanasia = ending a life to avoid pain; considered murder or suicide
- forensic pathology
- freeze-dried bodies
- glassy pupils
- grief
- homicide
- hospice
- irreversible
- Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth
- lifespan development
- liquefaction
- lividity
- living will
- livor mortis
- manners of death
- mortality
- mourning
- natural death
- odds of dying
- palliative care (comfort care) = typically pain medication for terminal patients
- pallor mortis
- passive euthanasia = withholding or refusing food & medicine
- permanent vegetative state
- persistent vegetative state
- postslaughter meat
- primary flaccidity
- putrefaction
- resuscitation
- rigor mortis
- skeletonization
- stages of grief
- stethoscope
- suicide
- thanatology = scientific study of death
- undetermined cause of death
- vegetative state
- voluntary active euthanasia = a type of assisted suicide; means provided, patient controls it
- wake