Here are the words you need to know.
- Adler
- aggression
- anal stage
- anxiety
- approach gradient
- approach-approach conflict
- approach-avoidance conflict
- avoidance gradient
- avoidance-avoidance conflict
- Bandura
- Big Five
- birth order
- blocked goal
- client-centered therapy
- cognitive dissonance
- collective unconscious
- conflict
- conformity
- conscience
- consciousness
- denial
- diffusion of responsibility
- Dollard & Miller
- double approach-avoidance conflict
- drive reduction
- ego
- ego ideal
- Ellis
- emotion
- existential therapy
- fear
- fight-flight system
- free association
- Freud
- frustration
- genital stage
- goal
- hallucinations
- hierarchy of needs
- Hippocrates
- humors
- id
- incompatible responses
- individual psychology
- irrational beliefs
- Jung
- labeling
- life crisis
- lobotomy
- Maslow
- meaning to life
- mind
- mood
- motor cortex
- negative symptoms
- observational learning
- ocean (canoe)
- oral stage
- penis envy
- personal unconscious
- phallic stage
- phobia
- positive psychology
- positive regard
- positive symptoms
- posttraumatic growth
- prefrontal cortex
- psychopharmacology
- rationalization
- relaxation
- resilience
- Robber’s Cave
- Rogers
- schizophrenia
- self-actualization
- Seligman
- sensation
- set point
- stages of psychosexual development
- stress
- superego
- surprise
- systematic desensitization
- talk therapy
- therapeutic alliance
- trait theory
- Type A personality
- Type B personality
- unconditional positive regard
- unconscious