Here are the terms you need to know.
- accommodation
- afferent neurons
- afterimages
- algor mortis
- algorithm
- alpha waves
- amygdala
- anchor
- aqueous humor
- assimilation
- axon
- backfire effect
- Barnum Effect
- basal ganglia
- beta waves
- Binet
- bipolar cells
- bottom-up processing
- brain
- causation
- central tendency
- chunks
- classical conditioning
- color constancy
- concrete operational stage
- conditioned response
- conditioned stimulus
- confounding variable
- conservation
- continuity
- cornea
- corpus callosum
- correlation
- declarative memory
- deep sleep
- defense mechanisms
- delta waves
- dendrites
- dendritic spines
- dependent variable
- depth of processing
- dispersion
- Dollard & Miller
- dualism
- efferent neurons
- ego
- episodic memory
- extinction
- fear
- fixed interval
- fixed ratio
- formal operational stage
- frontal lobes
- Galton
- Gestalt
- glial cells
- Harlow
- heuristic
- hippocampus
- horizontal cells
- hypothalamus
- implicit memory
- independent variable
- initial segment
- intelligence
- intervening variable
- introspection
- K complexes
- left hemisphere
- lens
- light
- limbic system
- liquefaction
- livor mortis
- Marshmallow Study
- mean
- median
- method of loci
- mirror neurons
- Mischel
- mode
- monism
- motor cortex
- motor neurons
- N1
- N2
- N3
- nativism
- naturalistic observation
- negative punishment
- negative reinforcement
- neural impulses
- occipital lobes
- operant conditioning
- operational definition
- opponent processing
- outcome measure
- pallor mortis
- parallel processing
- parietal lobes
- Pavlov
- phi phenomenon
- Piaget
- positive punishment
- positive regard
- positive reinforcement
- practice effect
- pragnanz
- preoperational stage
- procedural memory
- recency effect
- red-green color blindness
- relationship
- replication
- reticular formation
- retina
- right hemisphere
- rigor mortis
- schedule of reinforcement
- semantic memory
- sensorimotor stage
- sensory neurons
- sleep spindles
- soma
- Stenberg
- Stroop effect
- structuralism
- survey
- target detection
- target identification
- temporal lobes
- Terman
- terminal buttons
- theta waves
- Thorndike
- top-down processing
- transduction
- trichromatic theory
- Type I error
- Type II error
- unconditioned response
- unconditioned stimulus
- upright faces
- variable interval
- variable ratio
- visual receptors
- vitreous humor
- Vygotsky
- working memory
- Wundt
- Zeigarnik effect